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ST44 diesel locomotive PKP IV

The Polish State Railways also ordered six-axle M62-series diesel locomotives from the Soviet Locomotive Factory in Lugansk and gave them the designation ST44, directing them to freight traffic. Deliveries of ST44s began in 1966 and continued until 1988, with a total of 1113 normal-gauge locomotives going into service.
The maximum speed of this powerful machine is 100 km/h, the installation of equipment for heating the depot was not envisaged. Polish ST44s were distinguished by large headlights, which gave the locomotive a distinctive
appearance. Today, most of the ST44 series locomotives have been withdrawn from service, some have undergone modernization and can still be seen on the routes. The first locomotive delivered (ST44-001) has been preserved and currently stands
as an exhibit in the Warsaw Railway Museum.

Novelty 2023: A printed version of the V 200 locomotive as the PKP's ST44 in Era IV. For uncomplicated decoder upgrades, the model has a modern PluX22 interface.

Model specifications:

  • Manufacturer: PIKO
  • Scale: 1/87 H0
  • Product code: 52924
  • Locomotive type: ST44
  • Designation: PKP
  • Epoch: IV
  • Length: 202mm
  • Minimum turning radius: 358mm
  • Power system: direct current
  • Digital interface: NEM 658 PluX22
  • Light change: light change according to direction white/red
  • Interior lighting / Lights: digitally switchable driver's cab lighting (with PluX22 decoder)
  • Clutch: NEM shaft + short coupling link
  • Sound: PIKO sound decoder can be retrofitted #56538
  • Number of traction tires: 2
  • Age: 14+
