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LCKMS carbine replica (2009 version)
The replica was made from the highest quality components, with great attention to detail making it similar to its firearms counterpart. Almost the entire replica, except for a few components, was made of steel. The exception, of course, is the plastic pistol grip and the flask made of lacquered plywood. The folding flask was also made of steel.
Due to the materials used and the quality of workmanship, the replica is characterized by high durability. The replica is very well made, there are no imperfections in its construction. The whole thing gives the impression of one solid piece. In turn, the internal parts allow easy tuning, while ensuring long and trouble-free operation in the base configuration.
The replica's guaranteed discharge velocity of ~415 FPS makes this rifle an ideal choice for any choice shooter. At the same time, durability and build quality ensure that the replica can be used not only for standard airsoft games, but also as a simulation replica or simulator.
Thanks to the modifications made to the external design, the use of the replica is much more comfortable than in the case of a standard AK-type replica. Thanks to the folding flask, it has become much easier to transport and store the replica, as well as to use it in tight spaces during CQB games. The reduced length of the replica also plays an important role.
- discharge velocity: 410 FPS
- gearbox version: Gearbox v3
- carbine length: 900 mm
- weight: 3600 g
- internal barrel length: 455 mm
- magazine capacity: 130 rounds
- propulsion: electric (the set does not include a battery and charger)
- material: wood, metal, plastic
- Blow Back: no
Product for people over 18 years old !
When using ASG replicas , always follow the safety rules, follow the instruction manual that comes with the product, use protective clothing, and above all, protect your eyes by using proper safety glasses.