Following our Fast & Easy philosophy, we provide you with a complete solution to the problem of fogged up glasses or dirty optics. Along with the bottle of product, you will receive a free Riflecx cloth to wipe off excess product after use and on the side of the bottle you have a QR code- scan it and it will direct you to our instructions on how to use Clear Shot.
How to use:
Spray Clear Shot on your glasses or optics, then gently wipe off with the included Riflecx cloth.
1. A blend of surfactants and silicone fluids, so it not only provides an anti-vapor effect, but also has cleaning properties and prevents the surface on which it is used from getting dirty again quickly.
2. Safe for anti-reflective coatings and the structure of surfaces made of plastic (for example, safety glasses made of polycarbonate).
3. Capacity 100 ml
4. Riflecx microfiber cloth included in the package.
Presentation of the product in the video: