Products descriptions visible on the website are translated from polish language using translator and may contain errors and mistakes.

Wanting to extract the highest possible performance from our replica, we will need a reliable power source. Green Gas Elite Force represents the highest standard of quality, providing even pressure over a wide temperature range. Heavy Gas version of 150 PSI high pressure with silicone oil for constant maintenance of the replica system dedicated to ambient temperatures in the range of 3-14 degrees Celsius.
Heavy Gas Elite Force 150 PSI offers the user:
- Stable 150 PSI pressure suitably adapted to long gun replicas
- Outstanding stability at low temperatures as low as 3 degrees Celsius
- Contains preservative silicone oil to protect the system
- Nozzle made of stainless steel with high resistance to damage
- package: 560 ml bottle
*Container under high pressure, be careful ! Follow the instruction manual included with the product. Store away from heat sources, sunny places and children.