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WAMOD DILUTION - LEVEL HIGH THINNER thinner with retarder 250ml (WAMOD36)


Thinner slows down the drying of paints and formulations thinned with it. It is especially recommended for airbrush painting, which tends to so-called dry paints "on the fly".

The effect of using the retarder is:

- better adhesion of the formulation to the substrate - the liquid form gives time for better bonding,
- smoother and more uniform surface,
- obtaining perfectly glossy surfaces when it is desired.

Intended use: Thinner and remover for the following groups of products:

- Mr.Color - C, GX, UG series paints,
- Mr.Metal Color - metalizers of MS and SM series,
- Mr.Surfecer 500, 1000, 1200, 1500,
- Mr.Base White 1000,
- Mr.Dissolved Putty,
- Mr.White Putty


For airbrush painting, it is recommended to dilute at a ratio of 2 : 1 or more (thinner : paint).

Can be used to clean tools and to safely remove paint and the mentioned preparations from polystyrene models.
Can be used to dilute and wash off H-series paints.

Before use, make a trial mixing with the paint in question, whether there will be an undesirable chemical reaction.

  • package: 250 ml