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ZVEZDA 1/35 GER. HEAVY TRUCK L4500A (3596)


Originally developed for civilian use, the 4.5t L4500A heavy-duty cargo truck was widely used by all German military units during World War II, on both the Western and Eastern Fronts. A total of 9,500 trucks were produced between 1939 and 1944, most for the Wehrmacht. The L 4500 had a 7.2-liter diesel engine with 112 horsepower and came in 2 basic versions with 2-wheel drive S and 4-wheel drive A.

Plastic model to be glued together by Zvezda. The kit does not include paint and glue.


  • Manufacturer: Zvezda
  • Scale: 1/35
  • Product code: 3596

For more information and photos, please visit the manufacturer's website.
