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Ammo Mig

The Ammo Mig Shader Panzer Grey kit contains 3 colors to quickly and easily create a variety of effects on all types of models painted in German Panzer Grey and other dark shades of gray.
The transparent and ultra fine paint allows modelers of all skill levels to apply stunningly realistic effects that previously seemed impossible; from fade to wear effects, shadows and highlights, color changes to different shades, this new range can even be applied to base colors like a filter. With SHADERS, a model gets a dynamic and interesting finish in just a few minutes, making these colors ideal for beginner modelers. All the new features allow modelers to create effects that previously could only be achieved with more complicated techniques such as glazes, washes and filters.
More experienced modelers can enjoy the convenience of applying advanced and complex effects with finesse and ease. The new SHADERS is not just another paint, but a new way to apply professional effects quickly and easily.
Create effects with light and volume, quickly change the tone of any color combination, easily add dirt effects and highlight panel lines.
The product is non-toxic and requires no dilution. Perfect for airbrush use

The set includes the following colors:

  • A.MIG-0857 Navy Grey Shader
  • A.MIG-0862 Night Blue Shader
  • A.MIG-0854 Grime Shader


  • Manufacturer: Ammo of Mig Jimenez
  • Product code: AMIG7320
  • Capacity: 10ml
